Divinatory Features of Algorithmic Prediction. Conference Vorausschauen, Vorausdenken, Vorausberechnen. Friedrich-Alexander Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, 5 February 2021.
Impulse Speech: Towards a Society of Human & Machines. Conference Digitalization of Knowledge and Industrial Technologies. University Bologna, 7 November 2019.
Predicting and Explaining. IKKM Biennial Conference Schalten und Walten. Towards Operative Ontologies. Weimar University, 23-25 Oktober 2019.
Forgetting Pictures. An excess of images to escape the present. Conference Artificial Intelligence // Cultural Technology, Tekniska Museet Stockholm,14 June 2019.
Algorithmic Prediction vs. Shared Uncertainty. Social Consequences of Individualized Forecast. Organizer (with A. Cevolini) of the mini-conference at the SASE Conference Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined, New York, 27-29 June 2019.
Description or Prediction? Restructuring Epidemiology in Cancer Medicine (with Moran Levy), SASE Conference Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined, New York, 27 June 2019.
From Pool to Profile. Can we have Insurance Against Predicted Damages (with Alberto Cevolini), SASE Conference Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined, New York, 27 June 2019.
Digitale Prognose: Von statistischer Ungewissheit zur algorithmischen Vorhersage. Conference Kann Wissenschaft in die Zukunft sehen? Prognosen in den Wissenschaften. Leopoldina-Studienzentrum Halle, 8-10 Oktober 2018.
The Impact of Big Data. ESFRI Conference Stay Tuned to the Future. Impact of Research Infrastuctures. Bologna, 24-25 January 2018.
Lebenswelt als unmarked space. Die Logik der Technisierung. Conference Systemtheorie der Gesellschaft. University Bielefeld, 8-9 December 2017.
Was Luhmann von der Digitalisierung und von Algorithmen schon wusste. Conference Niklas Luhmann am OVG Lüneburg. Leuphana University Lüneburg, 5-6 December 2017.
The Future of Prediction. From Statistical Uncertainty to Algorithmic Forecast. Conference The Future of Judgement. Zurich University of the Arts, 30. November – 1 December 2017.
Smart but not Intelligent. The Communicative Competence of Algorithms. Conference The Intelligence of Algorithms. Max Plank Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 19-21 October 2017.
Post-human and A-human. The Reference to Humans in Digital Communication Interdisciplinary Workshop Critiques of the Post-human. Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, Zhejiang University, 13 October 2017.
The Future of Prediction. Conference Market, Politics and Society: Continuity and Transformation, IAS Zhejiang University and the University of Chicago Beijing Center, 14-15 September 2017.
What’s Observed in a Rating? Conference of the International collaborative network “Performances of Value: Competition and Competitions Inside and Outside Markets”, Bologna, 13-14 January, 2017.
Organizing without understanding. Lists in divinatory and in digital culture. Conference Collecting, Sorting, Ordering. Practices of Listing in Popular Culture, University of Siegen, 27-28 October 2016.
Krisis and Critique. Conference Contemporary Perspectives on Systems Theory, University of Macau, 16-17 September 2016.
Predicted Uncertainty. Volatility Calculus and the Indeterminacy of the Future. Conference Economic Futures: Imaginaries, Narratives and Calculation, Institut d’études avancées de Paris, 17-18 March 2016.
Blindness and Power of Algorithmic Prediction. Conference Thinking Together, Berliner Festspiele, 12 March 2016.
Blindheit der Kritik. Internationales Symposium Was ist Kritik? Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, 6 February 2016.
Temporal markets. Money, the future and political action. Conference “FUTUR€$. Prospective Money and Money's Prospects”, University of Basel, 24 - 26 September 2015.
Observing the crisis: an observation. Symposium “Financial Crises as Global Challenges: Actors, Structures and Logics of Global Finance”, Tagungszentrum Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, June 24– 27, 2015.
Fiction and Simulation – social aspects. Workshop “Fiction and Simulation: Theories, Methods, Practices”, Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum Villa Vigoni, April 27-30, 2015.
Possible Possibilities and Actual Possibilities. Workshop “Potentialization – The search for future possibilities”, Copenhagen Business School, Klitgaarden, April 21-23, 2015.
Interaktion mit Algorithmen. HDC Conference „Interaktion mit Maschinen“, University Würzburg, June 26-28, 2014.
Uncertainty as a Resource. Anticipatory Techniques in Finance. Conference “Joint Risk Design”, University Konstanz, May 15-17, 2014.
Ratings as Observation. Conference “Second Order Observation in Contemporary Society: Rating, Ranking, and Niklas Luhmann’s Social Theory”, Department of Philosophy, University College Cork, March 8-9, 2014.
Do we need an “open man”? The anthropology of agencements. ESF Exploratory Workshop on Agencing Markets, Cargèse, September 17-20, 2013.
Die Paradoxien der Verfassung: Introduction. Conference „Die Paradoxien der Verfassung. Interdisziplinäre und vergleichende Analysen”, University Modena-Reggio Emilia, May 31-June 1, 2013.
Virtual Contingency in Web Communication. Symposium “The Ecological Paradigm. Issues And Perspectives Of A General Ecology Of Media And Technology”, Ruhr University Bochum, January 16 – 18, 2013.
Economic Circularities and Second Order Observation. Conference “Embeddedness and Beyond: Do Sociological Theories Meet Economic Realities?”, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 24-29 October, 2012.
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